The second of DC's three simultaneous weekly titles debuted this week:
The New 52: Futures End (note the lack of apostrophe, this is apparently significant) is a time travelling cyborg apocalypse from writers Brian Azzarello, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire and Keith Giffen. The first issue's capable artwork is by Patrick Zircher. From the get-go there are some immediate observations.
One: good god this comic is convoluted. 35 years into the future the DC Universe is overrun by homicidal super-powered cyborgs controlled by the artificial intelligence Brother Eye, so Batman - now Terry McGinnis from the
Batman Beyond TV series from more than a decade ago - travels back in time to
five years into the future to stop events from destroying the future 30 years later. Characters coming from the future to the present I can understand, but coming from the future to slightly less ahead in the future? That's just an extra level of nonsense this comic probably doesn't need.
Two: this all feels like a badly reheated meal that we all ate some time before. Brother Eye taking over is straight out of
Infinite Crisis. Superheroes turning into mindless automata controlled by a superior power is straight out of
Final Crisis. A hero travelling back in time to save the future is from pretty much everything. I didn't get any sense of
any originality from this issue, which given the presence of Azzarello and Lemire genuinely surprised me.
Three: this appears to be the comic where all the characters nobody loves come to die. The entire cast of
Stormwatch crop up within the first few pages. Grifter gets a lengthy sequence reminding the reader of who he is and of his alien-hunting schtick (and the cover - way to sell your weekly epic DC, with a character everybody by demonstration didn't care about). Mister Terrific gets name-checked and, I presume, will be returning shortly. I assume as the next few weeks unfold we'll also be seeing OMAC, Vibe, Katana and the Green Team.
A weekly comic book is a big commitment for a reader, but when it works - as it did in spades with
52 - it's worth it. When the results are more like
Countdown to Infinite Crisis or
Trinity, it's an absolute chore to support. I certainly won't be buying issue #2.
DC Comics. Written by Brian Azzarello, Dan Jurgens, Jeff Lemire and Keith Giffen. Art by Patrick Zircher.
Under the cut: reviews of
Aquaman and the Others, Batwing, Black Widow, Detective Comics, Justice League 3000, Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, Revival, She-Hulk, The Wake and
The Woods. Additionally, there are late reviews for
Batman Eternal #4 and
Justice League 3000 #5.