Since September 2011 DC has published 15 ongoing Batman titles. Of these, only three have been cancelled - Batman Incorporated back in July 2013 (although that was a natural end rather than a sales-based cancellation), and both Batman: The Dark Knight and Talon in March 2014. That means 80% of the line is still ongoing. The average number of issues per title currently sits at 25.
All sales data is taken from Comichron, and is the estimated sales of comics via Diamond Distribution to retailers - that is, what went into the stores, not what was actually sold to customers.I will be removing sales from September 2013, however, when DC ran its villain month. Some titles had as many as four issues in that months, and others had none, and sales regularly bore no resemblance to the titles they were ostensibly a part of. It's clearer without them.
Charts are colour-coded: anything in green is safely selling about 40,000. Sales below 40,000 move to blue, those below 30,000 to orange, and those below 20,000 to red. Anything selling less than 10,000 copies is listed in black: dead book walking.
When DC announced that Batgirl would relaunch with original character Barbara Gordon in the role, there was a lot of apprehension. The character had spent many years as the paraplegic superheroine Oracle, and by 'curing' her disability DC appeared to be giving disabled readers a bit of a slap in the face. At the same time DC was coming off a critically acclaimed run of Batgirl starring fan favourite Stephanie Brown. Thankfully Gail Simone's writing managed to win most readers over, and has been one of the New 52's more consistently good titles.

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run on Batman has been the New 52's star attraction, consistently outselling every other book on the market. The first collected edition is the New 52's highest-selling volume, selling more than 73,000 copies to the direct market alone (the nearest competitor among the New 52, Justice League Volume 1, has managed to see 43,500 copies in the same amount of time). It's also one of the best titles DC is currently publishing, boasting a string of bold, inventive and well-considered story arcs: "The Court of Owls", "Death of the Family" and most recently the epic prequel "Zero Year".

Batman and Robin
I have really been enjoying Batman and Robin. It's retained the same creative team for its entire run, and has been consistently putting out strong storylines with rich characterisation. When Damian Wayne died in Batman Incorporated it was Batman and Robin that actually tackled the emotional fallout. Since Damian's death the book has been a sort of Brave and the Bold analogue, with Batman teaming up with a different superhero (or villain) each month.

Batman Eternal
It's too early to judge DC's new weekly Batman title, since we don't have April sales figures yet, but it's not hard to imagine this will be a solid seller - at least in the short term. The real question, and it's going to be difficult to assess this, is to what extent a $2.99 Batman comic every week is going to cannibalise sales from some of the lower-selling books? Is someone still reading Batwing or Birds of Prey going to keep buying those books if they're more interested in the storyline here? Of the three weekly series announced by DC this year (the others are Future's End and an Earth 2 spin-off), this is going to be the most successful.
Batman: The Dark Knight
Batman: The Dark Knight launched five months before the New 52 kicked in, pretty much as an excuse for DC to give David Finch an outlet to draw Batman. It was pretty awful. I haven't actually read a single issue of the New 52 version of this book, but sales-wise it's got a pretty stunning linear decline since its 6th issue.

I really liked Batwing when the New 52 launched. The idea of an African Batman was crazy but cool, and Judd Winick wrote a pretty decent take on the character, tying in David Zavimbe's past as a child soldier and ensuring that the book never disregarded the real state of law and order in central Africa. Sales, however, were pretty awful, so DC relaunched the book with rich kid Luke Fox, son of Lucius Fox, and re-located the character to Gotham City. So basically they took everything distinctive about the title and transformed it into a Batman clone. I was not particularly impressed.

I just don't know what to predict with this book any more. I was certain it was going to be gone by now, and it's still here, selling even worse than it was last year. Your guess is as good as mine as to when DC finally call it a day.
Batwoman was possibly the single-most acclaimed book to launch out of the New 52, boasting intelligent writing by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman, and outstanding and progressive artwork and layouts by Williams. It was a book with a turbulent life behind the scenes, however, as its creative team suffered through constant editorial backflips and last-minute demands for changes that constantly interfered with the story they were developing. I really enjoyed it, but the way DC cut the Williams/Blackman run off at #24 without resolving their story arc was a really petty, unprofessional thing to do. A follow-up run by Marc Andreyko and Jeremy Haun has been enjoyable, but not as good.

Birds of Prey
I haven't read Birds of Prey yet. I loved the original series prior to the New 52, because it teamed up three great characters: Oracle, Huntress and Black Canary. With the New 52 Oracle has become Batgirl and Huntress is off in Worlds' Finest, so the core appeal for this book hasn't been there.

Catwoman launched in 2011 with fairly decent writing by Judd Winick and positively pornographic artwork by Guillem March. It's actually a pretty reasonable comic if you try to ignore the skeezier bits of the art. I haven't read past the first two trade paperbacks, so can't comment on how the book has been going more recently.

Detective Comics
Detective Comics opened to a pretty rough run under writer/artist Tony S. Daniel, with odd shock tactics (the Joker getting his face cut off) and generally poor writing. In the hands of writer John Layman and artist Jason Fabok, however, it improved significantly. It's just been handed over to Flash veterans Francis Manapul and Brian Buccelatto, whose first issue certainly popped off the page. It's got a lot of promise.

Harley Quinn

Nightwing has always been a pretty popular title, and this New 52 has achieved a pretty monumental achievement in that subsequent issues (#2, #15 and #16) have actually sold more copies than the very first. I've only actually read the first trade paperback, but I liked what I read and keep meaning to go back and read some more. It's recently been cancelled, however, and is getting a high profile relaunch in July as Grayson #1.
This book generally follows the pattern of other key Bat-books - spikes for "The Night of the Owls" and "Death of the Family". Issue #25 was a "Zero Year" tie-in. I can't help but notice, however, that in the past year the book been on a downward slide that it largely avoided in its first year. Perhaps DC aren't wrong to relaunch it and get some readers back. Certainly recent issues, which have tied into Nightwing's pivotal role in Forever Evil, haven't led to any kind of bump in sales. March 2014 sales (36,814) are down 24% on March 2013, and down 19% on March 2012.
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Red Hood and the Outlaws is one of my least favourite New 52 titles. It takes the easiest, tackiest route possible with all three characters: Red Hood, aka Jason Todd, Red Arrow/Arsenal, and Starfire. It ruins all three. The whole book is just an irritating, puerile read. Along with Suicide Squad, it represents a nadir for the line - overwhelmingly awful comic books that confirm every worst cliche readers have about DC Comics in the 21st century.

The final book among the Batman suite of titles is Talon. It was launched as a spin-off from the popular "Court of Owls" storyline and is distinctive for being one of the only New 52 titles to be based around a new character. I still haven't read more than the first issue, which was relatively entertaining but not so gripping that I felt compelled to buy the whole series.

The new Harley Quinn series is very, VERY well written, and well worth a look. It's dark funny, which is something I'd love to see more of in any Bat book, the art is interesting, and the whole thing has largely redeemed the character for me (the redesign started in the computer games, I think, and was carried forth in a really creepy way in New 52 comics before now).
ReplyDeletePoison Ivy is also great in it.