

In 2016 the Nintendo 64 turns 20 years old. It was Nintendo's third videogame console, produced to succeed the enormously successful SNES. Upon its release in 1996 Time magazine claimed it was "machine of the year". While the N64 failed to best Sony's enormously popular PlayStation - a console in whose early development Nintendo had a key hand - it still sold almost 33 million units worldwide and hosted some of the greatest videogames ever made. To celebrate its anniversary I'm counting down my top 20 N64 videogames; not necessarily the best titles released on the format, but definitely my personal favourites.

#1: The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo.) (review)
#2: Super Mario 64 (1996, Nintendo.) (review)
#3: GoldenEye 007 (1997, Rare.) (review)
#4: Mario Kart 64 (1996, Nintendo.) (review)
#5: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000, Nintendo.) (review)
#6: Space Station Silicon Valley (1998, DMA Design.) (review)
#7: Paper Mario (2000, Intelligent Systems.) (review)
#8: Perfect Dark (2000, Rare.) (review)
#9: Super Smash Bros (1999, HAL Laboratories.) (review)
#10: Blast Corps (1997, Rare.) (review)
#11: Snowboard Kids 2 (1999, Racdym.) (review)
#12: Tetrisphere (1997, H2O Entertainment.) (review)
#13: Star Fox 64 (1997, Nintendo.) (review)
#14: Donkey Kong 64 (1999, Rare.) (review)
#15: Banjo Kazooie (1998, Rare.) (review)
#16: Body Harvest (1998, DMA Design.) (review)
#17: Star Wars Episode I Racer (1999, LucasArts.) (review)
#18: Bangaioh (1999, Treasure.) (review)
#19: Goemon's Great Adventure (1998, Konami.) (review)
#20: Hybrid Heaven (1999, Konami.) (review)

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