
February 1, 2013

Popular Posts: January 2013

David Morse continues to be extremely popular on this blog, charting at #1 for the second month in a row. The previous top post, the review of Pale Rider, is still hanging on at #4. As for January itself, my review of Doctor Who's "Warriors' Gate" went down very well indeed. Thanks for reading!

The five most popular posts in January were:
  • Five Films: David Morse (link)
  • Who50: "Warriors' Gate" (link)
  • The Dungeon Masters (2008) (link)
  • Pale Rider (1985) (link)
  • Odds'n'Sods: 4 January 2013 (link)
The five most popular posts published in January were:
  • Who50: "Warriors' Gate" (link)
  •  Odds'n'Sods: 4 January 2013 (link)
  • The Pull List: 2 January 2013 (link) 85
  • AKB0048 #1: "Eternal Dreams" (link)
  • Golden Statue Playlist: Best Actress (link)


  1. How do you determine what is a popular post?

  2. It's based on the number of hits the individual page gets.


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