In these occasional columns, I’m going to pick an actor I like and recommend five of their films to you. They might be a major star; they might be a supporting player. I’m starting with one of those exceptional supporting performers: American actor David Morse.
There’s something distinctly watchable about David Morse. I’m not entirely sure what it is. He is one of those actors who seems to effortlessly capture my attention when he’s on-screen. He doesn’t steal scenes. He’s never showy. He very rarely gets the opportunity to play a lead role. Instead he’s one of those immensely strong, wonderfully talented supporting actors who lifts the quality of any film or television episode he’s in.
I think I first noticed him in Michael Bay’s 1996 action film The Rock, where he plays second-in-command to Ed Harris. After that he just seemed to crop up everywhere, impressing me each time – not by playing a striking, unique character, but simply by doing an exceptional job of playing interesting yet everyday people. That’s a hard thing to do, playing an everyday person. Leonardo Di Caprio (whom I admire immensely) tried it and failed miserably in Titanic. David Morse nails that kind of character every time.
Morse plays Major Tom Baxter, second-in-command to Ed Harris’ General Hummel during the General’s forced takeover of Alcatraz Island. The Rock is a ridiculous, over-the-top amusement park ride, full of Michael Bay’s trademark wide-angle photography and excessively “epic” look. While Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery tend to over-play their roles to suit the screenplay and the direction, Morse and Harris oddly (and impressively) take their characters in the opposite direction. It creates an odd action film where the villain and his henchman are more sensitively portrayed and interesting to watch than the heroes.
Contact (1997)
At first it might seem David Morse has too small a part to play in Contact – playing father to Jodie Foster’s Eleanor Arroway in a few early flashbacks. His character defines her character, however, making his presence in the film more important than anyone else bar the protagonist. Morse also gets one other scene, quite late in the film, which I will not elaborate upon in case you haven’t seen the film. It’s an appearance that is not only surprising, but unexpectedly satisfying – and much, much more interesting than the less impressive or original climax many science fiction fans seemed to be looking for at the time. I adore Contact: I think it’s one of 1997’s absolute best films.
The Green Mile (1999)
First and foremost, it must be noted that The Green Mile is overly long. So long, in fact, that when Tom Hanks hit his final line of dialogue at the 181 minute mark – ‘Some days, the Green Mile seems so long…’ – I spontaneously broke into raucous laughter in the cinema. I got mean looks from fellow viewers about that. Despite its length, however, there’s some wonderful filmmaking and acting going on here. I underappreciated The Green Mile in 1999, partly because it was surrounded by better movies that year (Fight Club, American Beauty, The Insider, The Matrix, take your pick) and partly because it seemed a rehash by director Frank Darabont of work in his superior, earlier film The Shawshank Redemption. Despite its length, it turns out to be a good film. Morse gives a classic sort of supporting performance here, in the sort of part that has helped defined his career.
Dancer in the Dark (2000)

Double Vision (2002)
Morse became the first non-Asian actor to ever receive a Golden Horse nomination for this film, a Chinese language thriller produced in Taiwan and co-starring the immensely talented Tony Leung Ka-Fai. It’s also one of the rare occasions where I’ve seen Morse play one of the lead roles, in this case an American FBI agent sent to Taiwan to help track down a serial killer.
This was a great summary of David Morse and the roles he's played. You really could have mentioned at least 15 more, like his first film Inside Moves (1980) and The Crossing Guard (1995) faves! The one thing that always stands out about him is other actors hold him in very high regard; he really makes everyone around him look much better. TV, movies or stage, he is always at 100%.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more ,David Morse is one of the best actors around and I have been a fan since st else where days.Passengers is one of my faves he is just perfect in every scene.It really doesn't matter how big or small the part he stands out in every film,he was once quoted as saying the only thing people remember about Proof of Life was the alleged affaire between Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe,not so, most people remember his totally believable performance.