
September 13, 2013

Odds'n'Sods: 13 September 2013

  • This specially-themed set of wedding photographs were doing the runs of the Internet at the beginning of the week. I love them. (link)
  • Fumetti is a style of photograph-based comic book popularised in Italy, but which never really caught on in the English-speaking world. Maybe that will change with John Byrne's upcoming Star Trek graphic novel, which tells an entirely new episode using images from pre-existing footage. (link) Is it bad I want to do something like this with Doctor Who?
  • J.K. Rowling has signed to write the screenplay to a new Harry Potter spin-off film. I love the idea - it's a wonderful fictional world, and I look forward to seeing it from a different angle. (link)
  • Finally, I found this Variety article really interesting: it's on how Ubisoft have hired production company Starlight Runner to develop a franchise book for Splinter Cell. Basically the company has pored over the details of every Splinter Cell game to put all of the in-universe information together and determine the best way to form that information into a hit film. This is the soundest approach for a videogame adaptation I've ever heard, and good luck to them. (link)

1 comment:

  1. The Girls Annuals & comics I used to read in stacks from the op shop as a kid were full of photo-stories - I always kind of liked the form. It's a bit cheesy but could totally be fun to play with as a project, either with existing images or using actors/models.


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