
July 24, 2012

Comic Shop Book Club, Week 2

Last week the Comic Shop Book Club got off to a promising start, with over 100 readers and several people providing comments and reviews. That post is still open, if you've read Captain Marvel #1 and want to add your two cents' worth. Current consensus is that the script is outstanding while the art is a bit difficult to engage with.

This Friday I'm going to open comments on National Comics: Eternity #1, the first in a series of DC Comics one-shots re-invigorating old characters for the New 52. The first issue focuses on Kid Eternity, famously adapted in the 1990s by Grant Morrison. This new original version is written by New 52 superstar Jeff Lemire (Animal Man) with art by Cully Hamner (Red, The Question).

It's US$3.99, it goes on sale Wednesday, and it's a self-contained story. Pick up a copy, physically or digitally, and I'll see you back at this blog on Friday to discuss it.

1 comment:

  1. Mean, Grant - now I have to remember to buy it TOMORROW instead of NOW, when I read your post! (or possibly even the next day, if it's US Wednesday…)


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