
February 15, 2013

Odds'n'Sods: 15 February 2013

Some random links to finish up the working week:
  • Want to get kidnapped and locked in a dark room for kicks? There's a Hong Kong game running that may be for you. (link)
  • A fabulous alternative history of Doctor Who were the part was played by women. Further proof that a female Doctor would not break the series, and is actually overdue. (link)
  • The Hour, a fantastic BBC drama about making news in the 1950s, has been axed after two seasons - if only they handed ended Season 2 on a cliffhanger... (link)
  • Now that "Death of the Family" has wrapped, Scott Snyder speaks to Newsarama about what's next for Batman. (link)
  • And finally, sticking with "Death of the Family", these animated gifs made out of Batman covers are about the creepiest, most icky thing I've seen this week. Follow the link with caution. (link)


  1. I've never been a fan of the whole "female Doctor" idea, and that article just confirms to me that I've been right all along. It's a terrible concept. I think I'd quit watching the show if the BBC ever actually went through with it.

    1. I completely disagree for a number of reasons, the main one being that it opens story possibilities.


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